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Omni Channel Solutions

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Technological advancements have completely transformed the communication between organizations and customers. Today, customers interact and consume content across different platforms- smartphones, tablets, web portals, and mobile apps. Generation X, Y and Z, consume information in significantly different ways. To keep up with the spiraling customer expectations, it is essential for organizations to weave an omni-channel customer experience into their business strategy.

What is an omni-channel solution?

An omni-channel solution combines all digital and physical customer touch points onto a single platform – including online, mobile, point-of-sale, call center, social media and print to deliver a seamless customer experience. Irrespective of the industry of operation, these solutions create a contextual, personalized and relevant customer experience to boost revenues and enhance customer experience and loyalty.

Omni-channel solutions are propagators of Anytime, Anywhere interactions. They span across the channels customers use to interact with organizations, and not the other way around. An omni-channel solution is capable of picking up customers quickly across channels- where they left off on one channel and continue the conversation on another. This helps organizations target and engage with their customers better, providing a consistent and meaningful experience – across every channel, every time.

Need for an omni-channel solution

Omni-Channel Management is crucial to success of corporations operating in a global business environment. With requests coming from different geographies and different channels, it is important for organizations to provide customers with the possibility of procuring information /goods/services across all channels (retail, online and mobile).  The combination of different sales channels increases revenues as well as customer loyalty.

Omni-channel solutions helps integrate web, E-Commerce- and mobile systems and develops solutions that ensure the best-possible cross-system communications as well as an optimized user experience.


At TechoStudios Pakistan, we develop customized, high-performance web solutions with optimal coordination of all online channels. Our omni-channel solutions find applications across various industries in B2B and B2C commerce applications. Our solutions span industries like retail, ecommerce, financial services, communications and many more. From order fulfillment, call center to delivering financial services, our omni-channel solutions help in achieving enhanced customer experience across all activities.

A few areas where omni channel solutions play a very important role are:

  • Merchandising. Omni-channel management solution can anticipate shopper’s needs and syndicate relevant content. This makes selling easier and faster.
  • Marketing. Omni channel tools like personalization, search, promotions and targeting help marketers promote their brand and utilize sales techniques like limited-time price offers and personalized communication to increase revenues.
  • Order management. Single, real-time view of inventory helps retailers avoid stock outs, while self-service functions help to lower customer service costs.
  • Personalization. Omni channel solutions provide shopper’s digital footprint, including online and offline customer data. This real-time insight helps retailers in brand differentiation across marketing touch points and shopping channels.
  • Operations. Omni channel solutions enables administrators to take total control and ensure optimal performance without using database administrators or IT intervention.
  • Intelligence. Retail intelligence enables retailers to anticipate shopping trends, while benchmarking provides a clear view of growth opportunities.
  • Development. Omni channel applications helps in building rich and engaging consumer experiences across channels.

Omni Channels Solutions from TechoStudios

Providing a flawless omni-channel fulfillment requires exceptional coordination between channels and operations overcoming the silos in which they have operated in traditionally. The right omni-channel management solution enables organizations to easily deliver on the” Anywhere, Anytime” promise, giving customers the option to interact in store or online.  Superior omni-channel management technology simplifies the difficult task of letting customers move effortlessly between channels while maintaining seamless communication and exchange of information with sales organization.

At TechoStudios, we provide state-of-art omni channel management solutions built on robust and agile platforms. We offer flexibility in terms of on premises and clous offerings. Cloud agnostic omni channel solution provides an open and extensible cloud platform that provides scale and efficiency.

Key features of Omni-channel solutions

  • Built on robust, agile and open Architecture and Technology
  • Easy to integrate with existing systems
  • Highly scalable for meeting high demand
  • Fast Implementation and time to market
  • Pre-configured for B2C and B2B and specific regions and industries
  • Multi-site, multi-region and multi-currency support with embedded internationalization options
  • Flexible implementation model- on premise, on demand, or as a managed service

Benefits of Omni-channel solutions

  • Power rich, interactive customer touch points on a single platform
  • Facilitate seamless cross-channel customer experience
  • Orchestrate orders across channels
  • Empower employees and partners to be more effective and provide better service
  • Integrate all of the processes, data and systems that participate in cross-channel business processes
  • Build on a strong foundation for future innovation and growth

IT Organizations are increasingly focusing on delivering a seamless and consistent customer experience to retain customers and increase loyalty. For the customer, convenience means three things:

  • Simple user interface
  • Consistency across all applications and devices, and
  • Personalization, however, exceptional user experience is often unattainable because of high development costs and required time investments.

With omni-channel management solutions, organizations can reach their customers across multiple channels at low costs.



TechoStudios Pvt. Ltd is a global pioneer in providing IT consulting and bespoke software development solutions. We provide Custom Development Solutions across Software Development, Web & Mobile Application Development, Blockchain, IoT Services to clients worldwide.


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