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SAAS Application Development

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Get your web applications right! SaaS-enabled business model from TechoStudios Pakistan helps your business grow profitably!

With increased competition and crowding of saas software developers and service providers across the IT industry, the pressure of margins is increasing. Every expenditure counts! Organizations, in their stride for making businesses profitable, are increasingly focusing on cutting costs. One such avenue for cost-cutting is a reduction in IT infrastructure expenditures. Moving away from buying legacy hardware and software, organizations are increasingly adopting Software as a service (SaaS) model for business operations. Traditional ISVs are being now challenged by SaaS Product Developers and are finding it difficult to grow.

At TechoStudios Pakistan, we have years of experience and expertise in successfully conceptualizing, developing, deploying and managing several new SaaS/ Internet app development solutions.

What is SaaS Application Development Services?

SaaS (Software as a service) is a cloud driven model where customers (users) can access your services remotely from any location through the cloud using web-based technology. It is an “on-demand service” for delivery using web browser.

Using SaaS, organizations can eliminate upfront set up costs and perpetual license costs and move to a subscription based pay model. The main advantages of opting for SaaS are as under:

  • Reduces IT investments in hardware and software
  • Eliminates trouble of managing set-up, hardware or software
  • Provides instant access to services from any location
  • Eliminates any installation, customization or configuration needs
  • Provides a scalable and secure platform for reaching a wider customer base
  • Better Product Delivery and support mechanism
  • Easy to access and portable
  • Dynamic and modular makes it faster to integrate and deploy
  • Facilitates availability of updated products anytime, anywhere in real time

As the IT industry is moving towards a service oriented model, models like SOA and SaaS have revolutionized the way the Product is deployed and delivered. With SaaS organizations can enhance profits twofold as this allows organizations to achieve both

  • Scale quickly as per their needs and grow customer base- Generates more revenue
  • Pay for what you use only and reduce infrastructure costs- Cost Reduction

How SaaS Application Development Services Apps helps you grow?

  • With SaaS, organizations can focus on long-term relationships with customers, over one time transactions
  • SaaS enables you to concentrate on your core competencies
  • SaaS eliminates the need for upgrades and distribution

With SaaS driven business models, organizations can offer subscription-based service to the end customer saving huge costs to them as well as reducing IT resource risk- sharing of resources on cloud reduces a probability of resources remaining idle! SaaS ensures continuous customer engagement and a fulfilling experience by ensuring that everyone, anywhere, and anytime gets an updated version of your product.

Our SaaS Application Development Services/ Offerings

At TechoStudios Pakistan, we have expertise and experience in both the underlying development technologies as well as the singular challenges of the SaaS model. This is essential for successful SaaS application developers. We have years of experienced managers and developers deeply familiar with all major SaaS development platforms – from Java to .NET to Ruby on Rails (RoR). Our highly adept team can solve thorny issues unique to SaaS, such as customer data security, subscription and payments, and integration and scalability, etc.

We support the best in the industry- AWS and Google Cloud deployment for your SaaS web applications. SaaS Application Development Services by TechoStudios Pakistan include:

  • SaaS Strategy & Conceptualization
  • SaaS Platform Strategy
  • SaaS Architecture & Design
  • SaaS Application Development Services
  • SaaS User Experience Design and Prototyping
  • SaaS Development & Testing
  • On-Premise to SaaS Migration

Our highly skilled team of professionals has experience of delivering SaaS projects across a range of industries. To list a few, we can cater to the following industries:

  • Payroll and Appraisal Management
  • Event Management Solution
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
  • Project Management
  • Knowledge and Document Management
  • Workflow Management
  • E-commerce Solutions
  • Complex Content Management System
  • Bespoke Cloud Application Development

While implementing SaaS brings immense benefits to businesses, it is also important for organizations to carefully evaluate the following aspects:

  • Subscriptions, Billing, Meters and Payments
  • Security, and Data Isolation
  • Multi-Tenancy
  • Availability, Monitoring and Service Levels
  • On-premise data, application, and process integration
  • Scalability, Capacity planning and Cost of Ownership
  • Device access including web and mobile

Technology: PHP 5, ASP.NET with Silverlight, Adobe Flex Framework, PHP with PostGreSQL Database, Java/ JSP with Oracle Database

Frameworks: ASP.NET | MVC3, PHPRuby on RailsJAVA | MVC, CodeIgniter, Zend and Cake PHP

Databases: My SQL 2005, Oracle | MS SQL 2008 server, MongoDB

Front-end technologies: Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, XHTML, HTML5, Responsive, Twitter Bootstrap

Servers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, App Engine and Rackspace

Third Party Integrations: Third party integration as per project requirement – Chat, Video Conferencing, Weather, Streaming, Newsletter, MLS, Payroll, Sales Tax, Payment Gateway, Digital Signature, Background Check, Contact Grabber and more…

At TechoStudios Pakistan, we deliver superior quality projects to add value to our clients businesses. Get in touch with us for all your SaaS Application Development Services requirements.



TechoStudios Pvt. Ltd is a global pioneer in providing IT consulting and bespoke software development solutions. We provide Custom Development Solutions across Software Development, Web & Mobile Application Development, Blockchain, IoT Services to clients worldwide.


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