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Database Development

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Organizations are constantly innovating and scaling their business models to accommodate the increasing demands of the customers. To offer unique customer experience with personalized offerings, organizations need to build responsive web applications with seamless data management. Database management is an inherent part of this process.

Database is the heart of a software application. By collecting all information pertaining to individuals and organizations onto one platform, database development is quintessential to maintaining and nurturing a relationship with prospects and customers. If not managed properly, data across the organization can become quite unwieldy.

TechoStudios is the answer to your database needs. We provide services in designing and managing the diverse set of databases- both traditional (MySQL, Oracle, SQL server) and unconventional (No SQL), which store data related to transactional and social media applications and are used to provide regular transactional processing and data warehousing. We provide both on-site and off-site online database services. From building a generated lead list to an email database migrated and collated to support mass mailings, we can build it all, irrespective of any size and type of content database.

Our portfolio of Database related services includes Database Design & Modeling, Database Development Services and Database Administration Services.

Why Database Development Services?

Database provides a consolidated view of information about the organization, its business and customers, thereby, creating an institutional memory. It eliminates the duplication of efforts by providing all useful information on a unified platform.

Customized Database Development Services

At TechoStudios, we provide tailor-made solutions to match our client’s business specifications. We follow processes to ensure accuracy and exceptional levels of quality. A project management approach helps us keep up to the industry standards and deliver timely solutions to our customers. Each project is driven by a group of database developers and managers. We develop database using Oracle, IBM DB2, MS-SQL and MySQL, and data migration services for a number of industries in multiple formats.

At TechoStudios, we offer a fresh approach to Database Development Services on MongoDB platform.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open source database system. Developed and supported by 10gen, it is the most popular NoSQL database management system. MongoDB is document-oriented, based on NoSQL and supports document management, modification, and real-time processing and analysis on a large scale basis. Today, MongoDB is used by well-known brands like eBay,MetLife, Telefónica, Foursquare, MTV Networks and the UK Government.

How it works?

MongoDB stores structured data (in a format called BSON) as JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas unlike classical relational database where data is stored in tables. This makes data integration faster and easier across many applications. Designed for accelerating performance and supporting infinite scale, MongoDB boasts of a document-oriented data model ultra-fast in-place updates, rich dynamic queries, built-in sharing, dynamic schema, full index support and auto-failover. It also supports GridFS and MapReduce. By applying GridFS to large files, the solution provides full indexing support whereas Map/Reduce enables processing and aggregation of output in batches. Hence, MongoDB presents a function rich and easy to use intuitive open source solution to the developer fraternity.

At TechoStudios, we ensure the best MongoDB development services. Read More

Why Outsource Database Development Services?

By outsourcing database development to trustworthy partners like us, businesses can:

  • Minimize rate of data corruption
  • Prevent data crashes
  • Ensure higher rates of data accuracy and performance
  • Eliminate risk of errors
  • Decreases response times
  • Avail expertise of highly trained staff
  • Focus on core business function
  • Restore inactive customers into potential customers
  • Services like data mining, data updation and data collection from TechoStudios helps our clients in gaining a competitive edge. Our service helps in improving sales lead follow-ups and anew customer acquisition.
  • Handling servers across a variety of configurations with comprehensive tools and technical expertise in a secure environment
  • 24×7 database monitoring services, with no database downtime ever and with a regular updation of your databank
  • Online database integration for easy transfer and sharing of information by different company office
  • Database backup and recovery of data

Come, partner with us and experience the difference!



TechoStudios Pvt. Ltd is a global pioneer in providing IT consulting and bespoke software development solutions. We provide Custom Development Solutions across Software Development, Web & Mobile Application Development, Blockchain, IoT Services to clients worldwide.


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