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PHP Development

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Web apps & websites are increasingly becoming a powerful channel for lead generation and garnering revenues. Being the digital face of an organization, it is imperative for businesses to support visually attractive, easy to navigate and feature loaded websites which deliver an awesome and memorable user experience. This calls for an advanced development platform capable of supporting the needs of a modern organization.

A powerful scripting language, PHP is famous for its unique and comprehensive features in website design and development. PHP Development servicescompanies can help businesses utilize this highly versatile platform which can be combined with HTML or used in combination with other template engines and web framework.Using PHP platform, PHP Development companies can eliminate all kinds of repetitive process while its applications offer a very stable and secure coding environment. By eliminating vulnerabilities that may creep up during development, PHP development companies can offer enhanced security using advanced PHP Frameworks. Support from a large fraternity of PHP Development Services/ companies, developers and readily available online forums for learning and sharing makes PHP framework a favorite!

Why PHP Development Services?

PHP offers a host of advantages to the developer community and the businesses using the end application. These are:

  • PHP is easy to learn and use
  • It is highly secure and scalable
  • It supports rapid development and testing of applications
  • It is relatively cheap- budget friendly for organizations
  • It supports high performance application development with its data warehouse
  • Automated application development reduces cost of operations
  • Supports multiple web servers
  • Being open source, it provides access to a large online community for learning, sharing and technology support

PHP comes handy for developers while developing blogs, CRM applications, ecommerce websites, social networking sites etc.

As the pioneering PHP Development company at TechoStudios Pakistan, we understand the versatile nature of this framework and help our clients reap benefits with our expertise in PHP development. Our PHP development services are based across multiple platforms. They are listed as under:

CakePHP is an open source, PHP language based web development platform. As a leading PHP Development company, using CakePHP we facilitate quick development, deployment and maintenance of web applications with the help of thisrobust framework. CakePHP is compatible with the latest versions of PHP 4.0 and PHP 5.0 which makes it one of the most popular web application development platforms amongst the developer community. At TechoStudios Pakistan, we have a team of certified CakePHP developers adept with all features of a structured CakePHP framework. Read More

CodeIgniter offers an Application Development Framework for rapid development of web applications, especially when your developers are building the code from scratch. It is the right platform for PHP developers looking for a powerful framework with small footprint. As the pioneering PHP Development company, we utilize this open source platform to supportagile development and offer a simple yet elegant toolkit for creating fully functional web applications. At TechoStudios Pakistan, we are the pioneers in developing applications on CodeIgniter. Read More

Bringing together the best of different frameworks, Laravel PHP Framework is a fast, efficient and robust framework built with the focus of churning out simple and expressive code syntax. Termed as the coding platform of choice for developers in recent times, Laravel offers the benefits of having an easy to maintain and developer friendly web application framework. At TechoStudios Pakistan, we are experts in developing applications on Laravel. Read More

Symfony is a yet another open source based PHP framework used for developing enterprise level applications. Based on the famous Model-View-Contoller (MVC) architecture, it allows for faster and easy creation and maintenance of web applications better and faster by structuring developments and reusing generic modules. Symfony supports businesses with their scale requirements while keeping them relieved about time to market, bugs and maintenance. Symfony is fully compliant with standard development rules. At TechoStudios Pakistan, we provider years of experience in developing advanced web apps on Symfony. Read More

Loaded with rich features basis MVC architecture, Yii is a high-performance open source PHP framework used for developing web 2.0 applications. Perfectly suited to dynamic content generation and high traffic web application development needs, Yii offers a structured, reusable and clean platform for developing codes on PHP framework. Products can be developed faster on Yii framework making time to market short. This is achieved by moving the collection and use of data to the server as opposed to processing it in the browser. This in turn reduces the workload on client systems and reduces development time. The critical speed of processing also increases significantly. At TechoStudios Pakistan, we are the leading providers of Yii development services. Read More

Zend is an open source framework for web application development. It is widely known to be an amalgam of object-centric component libraries and open source licenses. Extremely powerful in architecture, it is based on MVC design and implemented with PHP 5 and later versions with 100% object oriented code. Zend is a Bossie award winning framework from the producer of PHP runtime. It facilitates development of completely secured and scalable web applications. Utilizing the concepts of loose coupling, unit testing and UI design patterns; Zend offers a bunch of internally built technologies along with some awesome features. Zend is way faster than core PHP due to its fluent interfaces, abstract classes and its libraries and well-tested code. At TechoStudios Pakistan, we are the leading developers of solutions based on Zend. Read More



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