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West Drayton, London
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TechoStudios has always believed in the 10,000 hour rule to harness sheer expertise in a specific tech or development domain. The commitment towards delivering high class, performance oriented IT services has helped TechoStudios gain a competitive edge in the competition of tech expertise. The TechoStudios expertise of technologies is firmly back to by world-class infrastructure and a plethora of learning and experience to deliver the best demonstrable services:


Codeigniter Development

You can deploy the renowned expertise of techoStudios Pakistan developers in codeigniter to make customizable, highly reliable and truly potential web applications



.Net Development

TechoStudios is one of the leading names in .net development services all across the Pakistan IT landscape. We offer highly customizable, quality oriented and performance driven services for all our customers round the clock

HTML5 Development

Experienced TechoStudios developers are keeping up with the pace of highly evolving technologies. You can expect professional HTML5 development services

Node.js Development

TechoStudios developers can help you harness the potential of full stack development and have a demonstrated knowledge of Node JS for back end development

Bootstrap Development

You can hijack the web development process with highly reliable and efficient bootstrap development services offered by TechoStudios

Database Development

TechoStudios understand that the dynamic database is the backbone of any Web platform or application. We offer all-round customer database management services

Frontend Development

You can change the face of your online web presence with our highly creative and evolutionary front-end development services backed by the latest web development approach and technologies

Java Development

TechoStudios developers take Java very seriously considering the widespread use. This has led us to offer you all round development resources with versatile products

Mobile Development

TechoStudios Pakistan is one of the handpicked IT development companies who have a proven expertise in mobile and Web development simultaneously.

Perl Development

TechoStudios developers have substantial knowledge of Perl5 and Perl6 for helping you build integrated dynamic applications with their profound skills in the programming languages

Vuejs Development

Vue is essentially a progressive framework used extensively for creating user interfaces. We have team of expert Vue.js programmers ready for any task.

PolymerJS Development

At TechoStudios Pakistan, we help businesses achieve this with custom software development services. We use the best platforms like PolymerJS to facilitate client business.

AngularJS Development

Your business can harness the potential of full stack development with angularjs development services for truly agile delivery and convincing front-end for a web enterprise


CakePHP Development

TechoStudios Pakistan conquered the domain of cake PHP development with numerous highly successful cake PHP development projects completed in record time with ultra satisfactory services


EmberJS Development

Your business can achieve an indispensable lead in JavaScript-based development expedition through ember JS development services


JQuery Development

Our expert developers are having their hands deep in jQuery for all sorts of database management services integrated across all platforms and coding resources

MongoDB Development

You can incorporate the power of no SQL database with all related technologies like elastic, solar or simple data management services

PhoneGap Development

The TechoStudios professionals in HTML, CSS and JavaScript enabled us to build world-class phone gap applications for all your tailor made needs

Python Development

TechoStudios developers are well versed with all concepts and techniques to use Python for making fast paced and highly evolving applications. So contact today for further assistance and get a call from our Experts.

Ruby on Rails Development

TechoStudios developers have all the abilities to help you build elaborated software solutions in the object oriented programming languages of the present, RoR

Titanium Development

TechoStudios expertise in need to mobile applications has traversed the vertical of native titanium of development successfully.


WebRTC Development

We have a proficiency in the open source development resources. They are in the best position to use all the web browsers and mobile applications with real-time communication

Yii Development

Expertise of our developers in the open sourced object oriented in the MVC based PHP Yii application framework


Symfony Development

TechoStudios Pakistan developers are renowned for their expertise in PHP applications. They are in the best position to deploy all 30 customer services of Symphony based solutions

BackboneJS Development

TechoStudios is one of the leading providers of agile backbone JS development services to help you manage and accomplish all sorts of huge projects with multiple complex functionalities

Flutter Development

is Google’s mobile app development SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces for iOS and Android. TechoStudios develops cross platform apps using Dart programming



Ionic Development

TechoStudios Pakistan has a share expertise in iconic development and can help your business leverage technology along all traverses of business and commerce

Laravel Development

TechoStudios has an in-depth expertise in all the subordinates of PHP and larval is no different. We provide integrated business web driven development solutions.

PHP Development

TechoStudios Pakistan has share expertise in one of the oldest and only mature web development languages. Our developers are highly agile in terms of solution designing with PHP

React Native Development

Expert react native TechoStudios developers are capable of developing and delivering high-quality JavaScript in React-based applications in the form of native apps

Sencha Development

TechoStudios Sencha developers have renowned expertise in developing world class user interfaces the JavaScript library for the mobile and web. Get the best developers remote team.


unity 3D Development

Our developers have gained the relevant creative skills to use unity3D for the best of game development projects based on the real world scenarios


Xamarin Development

TechoStudios developers in Xamarin enables us to offer compelling cross-platform mobile application development services for all verticals

Zend Development

TechoStudios has a proven expertise in Zend PHP. You can build yourself complete web based solutions & system with a Zend PHP, Zend is highly robust development framework

Reactjs Development

ReactJS is the most recent JavaScript open source library that is widely used to develop front-end of web apps, connect with us today if you need more info.


TechoStudios Pvt. Ltd is a global pioneer in providing IT consulting and bespoke software development solutions. We provide Custom Development Solutions across Software Development, Web & Mobile Application Development, Blockchain, IoT Services to clients worldwide.


  • Summon & FIR Management System